You sleep in the hours between sunrise and whenever it gets too hot. Actually, you pass out. “Sleep” implies you have some choice in the matter, rather than your body just shutting you down, which happens because you’re not taking care of it--eating too little and too infrequently, feeding it calories almost exclusively from beer, then working up a sweat riding a bike miles across Black Rock City.
(Author’s note: this essay was written in the days and week’s following my first trip to Burning Man in 2018. It was dug out of a dusty corner of my hard drive while writing an essay about my second trip to Burning Man. Having decided it’s not as bad as initially believed, it’s now being published with only slight edits.)
(Author’s second note: Readers familiar with this site will recall my predilection for putting my phone the phuck away, which is why this post has no images.)